Learn about the history,style and design of Tikishiki handbags. Traditional Japanese design, Hawaii vintage and beautiful inspiring fabrics, with a modern functional edge.
Our Story
Tikishiki handbags are a blend of traditional Japanese design, Hawaii vintage inspired fabrics, with a modern edge.
Upon returning from a holiday in Japan, I was influenced by the design of a long-established furoshiki. This is a Japanese wrapping cloth that dates back to the 17th century. Today, the furoshiki is used as an ecofriendly, reusable, recyclable, washable and wearable, multipurpose wrapping fabric.
Jennifer, the Owner & Designer of Tikishiki Handbags
“Unbelievably amazing swag bags...”
The Product...
Tikishiki handbags are a different kind of design. Combining culture, style and function with a commitment to quality craftsmanship, this handbag is a unique and special accessory. Use it for an artistic and fashion forward addition to your every day look, travel adventures or special occasions.
Lets break it down. Our handbags have two different removable functioning parts. Take the ancient Japanese "furoshiki" and add a modern functional component, the handle. Combined you get our uniquely designed Tikishiki handbag.
The Cloth Bag...
A double layered fabric square, each complementing the other for reversibility, available in 3 different sizes (small, medium and large). The fabric is uniquely chosen for its beauty and functionality. Silks, textured cottons, polyester, linen, rayon and modals, with a preference for vintage bark cloth of old Hawaii are the textiles we choose. The cloth part of the handbag must be beautiful, functional and sturdy, carrying and protecting our customers personal belonging in style.
The Handle...
The handle is both strong and sexy, made of quality European leather, adding an edge and an aspect of functionality to our handbag design. The leather handle comes in a few different colors to accompany the cloth and 2 different lengths; 12'' and 15''. The hardware attached to the handle comes in 2 different colors, silver or gold to complement the cloth and individual style of its owner. The handle is both functional and fashionable.
"The result is a relaxed, boho silhouette that has a totally modern, hip, slouchy feel ideal for every day carry, with an intriguing origami aesthetic that will resonate with the artist in you". -N.S.
Our leather strap add an edge and make these handbags stand out with class.