Lieber Line
Who is: Tom Lieber is a life long abstract painter who resides on Kauai. His quest is to futher develop abstraction, honoring the history of painting, his intuition, and his surroundings.
Since moving to the islands in 1999, the ocean and the islands greenery have inspired his brush strokes in purely positive ways.
His work is collected around the globe and is in numerous Museum collections including the Guggenheim, the Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC, MOMA - L.A, San Francisco Museum of Art, the High Museum, the Tate in London, and the Honolulu Museum of Art to name a few.
Tom in his studio on Kaua'i.
Jennifer & Tom's collaboration is one of a kind, the “LieberShiki” handbag. The abstraction of these pieces honor the history of painting, and the cultural history of Furoshiki. Both artists Zen philosophies create a next level artistic functional handbag in the Tikishiki line.
Using his new understanding of Furoshiki, origami and the beauty of geometry Tom was moved to paint these works of art. The underlying 'V' is typical of a Lieber piece. And the color pallets span from warm and blanketing to cool and cutting.
Each handbag is created by the designer Jennifer & Tom in a fashion that dances between each of their expertise. Leaving a finished product that only friends who truly understand each other can create.
Jennifer (designer) and Tom (artist) goofing around during a recent Honolulu visit, 2018.
Tom met Jennifer on a visit to Oahu with the now defunct Meow Meow Girls. "I liked the concept for her Tikishiki Bags and thought that it would be exciting to paint some fabric for her to see how it would work. I am very pleased and realized that in doing this we may be able to access a broader audience for her designs and for my art". -T Lieber
Since the bags are folded and can also be hung as a rectangular flat art piece, they have a dual purpose that encompases both of their disciplines. "Also it occurred to us during our process together that in native cultures art adorned bags, shoes, blankets, baskets, and vessels of all sorts were inherently "ART"...... Maybe we can re-introduce this idea into modern Western culture, bring people deeper. So it all makes sense" -T Lieber
Lieber hand painted ceramic plates, another example of Tom's work and direction into adornments and vessels.
Tikishiki’s Lieber Line …
Where fine art … meets functional fashion.